BA 3350, Disc 1

FYI: Mandatory Attendance Check 

Learning Objectives (LO/s) : After studying Chapter 1, you should be able to do the LO/s: 1.1, 1.2,1.3 and 1.4 – listed in the course textbook.  

Discussion: Most first-day documents for the semester are routine, however, there are some documents (students/Business Professionals) should carefully read before signing/agreeing to terms. For example, modeling workplace contracts/practices, some professors ask (Business Professionals) to sign a Student Contract before performing coursework. Although the contract, generally, repeat terms outlined in the Course Syllabus, Business Professionals are encouraged to  carefully read the document and discuss any concerns with their instructor before signing the contract. 

Why Does This Matter? Think about the above discussion within the scope of establishing credibility (academic and workplace settings). Assume that you quickly scanned the Student Contract and signed the document instead of carefully reading detailed terms. 

Question: Do you think not carefully reading information can affect your credibility?  If so, how? If not, why?

Instructions: You are expected to post your initial postresponding to the question presented for discussion. After submitting your initial post – You are required to post your reflections on 2 other classmates posts.  

Remember to add or revise your subject line to help participants follow the discussion.

Posts and responses should be thorough and thoughtful. Be brief – Posts should be ONE Paragraphs (minimum/20 words/maximum/30 words-Do NOT exceed 30 words). Use Short Sentences (10 words or fewer). *See Chapter 6/LO6.1 pages 177- 178.  

Please do NOT just post (I agree or jargon/chat or instant messaging). Your postings should make a connection between concepts from e.g. course readings, business references, prior knowledge or experiences (academic or work). 

Some other ways you can further the discussion include: commenting on or asking for clarification of another student’s statement, synthesizing other students’ responses, or posing a question aimed at furthering participants understanding.