1. Enroll in this MOOC course in Coursera (no need to sign up for any pay option: you can simply “audit” the course for free)
and complete WEEK 3, including the Quiz module. Write one paragraph about
a) the content: what did you think about it? Is there any critical comment? What did you like?
b) the Quiz: was there any question you found hard, or confusing?
2.Enroll in this MOOC course in Coursera (no need to sign up for any pay option: you can simply “audit” the course for free)
and complete WEEK 3, including the Quiz module. Write one paragraph about
a) the content: what did you think about it? Is there any critical comment? What did you like?
b) the Quiz: was there any question you found hard, or confusing?
write separate paragraph about two question