Write A 700-900 Word Paper On Evaluating Christianity Through The Christian’s Worldview.


Write a  700-800 paper that evaluates the Christian worldview using the method described in the Groothuis text

Summarize the Christianity worldview by using the main categories of belief discussed:  

1. Reference how Christians believe the Bible is the infallible truth 

2. Ultimate reality God is the creator; and there is ONE God

3. Source of Authority God is the ultimate supreme being. Sovereign :Trinity Father, Son, Holy Spirit

4. Human beings, source of morality Made in his image. We were made to worship Him : The God Creed ( see Psalm 8:5).

Part 2 (Groothuis Text) – Write about proving the Christians Worldview on Christianity

Criterion 2b. If a worldview affirms X, Y and Z as essential elements, and any of these elements contradict another essential element (say X contradicts Y), or is self-contradictory, this worldview is necessarily false because it is logically inconsistent 

Criterion 4. The greater the extent to which a worldviews essential factual claims can be established in various empirical, scientific and historical ways, the greater is the likelihood that this worldview is true.

Criterion 7. If a worldview substantially alters its essential claims in light of counter evidence, it loses rational justification.

Paper must be written in APA form, and have at least 4 book references also written APA form.  MUST HAVE PAGE NUMBER INCLUDED IN All CITATIONS noted.