Working with municipal planning documents

Length: approx. 1,000 words (for an easy reference, this is equivalent to two pages, in Times
New Roman font, size 12, normal margins (1 inch/2.5cm), single spaced.
the word count includes only the text of the answers there is no need for a cover page

For this assignment, all the necessary materials are provided through the course page on
Quercus and also referenced in the text below (so there is no need to allocate any additional time
or effort for a literature search etc.). This step will also hopefully make the work on the
assignment a straightforward and predictable process, in terms of planning and time
The materials included (and posted on Quercus) are: Chapter 2 – Shaping the City of the City of Toronto Official Plan (also available at Chapter 4 – Land Use Designations of the City of Toronto Official Plan (also available
at Official Plan Indicators 2018, City of Toronto (also available at
The instructions and questions below show which sections and subsections of the three
documents to focus on in answering each question.

The assignment should provide a series of answers to the following questions (please make sure
to answer each question individually and to number the answers, so it is clear which question is
1. Considering the Housing Section in the Official Plan Indicators 2018 document, answer
the following question: What are the impacts of the number of residential units with 2 or
more bedrooms? Consider the implications in terms of demography, mobility and urban
expansion. (answer in no more than 125 words) (6 points)
2. In no more than 300 words, compare and contrast the 2.2.2. Centres (in Chapter 2 –
Shaping the City) (10 points)
3. What are a few reasons that explain the differences between infill development and
existing developed surrounding areas in Neighbourhoods (in Chapter 4 – Land Use
Designations) (answer in no more than 75 words) (3 points)
4. What is the key element in Avenue Studies that can influence and decide how future
development should be planned and implemented, and what is the reason for its inclusion
in this type of studies? (1-2 sentences maximum) (3 points)
5. In no more than 350 words, 1. summarize the main characteristics of Downtown and
Avenues (in Chapter 2 – Shaping the City) and 2. identify/list three differences and two
similarities (for the second part of the answer, it is fine to use point form: e.g. one line for
each differences and similarity; avoid a one or two-word answer) (10 points)
6. Consider the following scenario: by the end of this term (April), you will need to decide
where you will live for the next 10 years. Your alternatives are: downtown, avenues, or
neighbourhoods (either low-rise or apartment neighborhoods). Reflecting on what you
read so far for this assignment or other information in the three documents provided, as
well as based on your own preferences), choose one of the four alternatives and argument
your choice (answer in no more than 200-250 words; for this last answer, the use of first
person writing is fine) (8 points)

Important notes:
Please write in full sentences, unless the question clearly states that it is fine to use point form for
the answer.
Please do not simply copy and paste sentences, phrases or parts of, in the answers to the
questions. This may result in grade of 0 (zero) for the respective answer. Instead, please
paraphrase or summarize (put into you own words) the material.
If you are not very familiar with paraphrasing and summarizing (a writing skill applicable to
many other assignments and courses), feel free to consult the following resources:
Some resources on how to address compare and contrast type of questions (useful also for exam
questions, or essays when a comparison or comparative approach is needed, etc.): (see the Compare and Contrast handout)
Given the very short length of the assignment, please do not use any quotations (which are – in a
sense – just another form of copy & paste, but with proper referencing).
The answers will be assessed primarily in terms of quality of content/substance, and how well
they answer the corresponding question, but also in terms on structure, organization and internal
coherence of the answer/paragraph. While no points will be deducted for individual grammar or
spelling errors, if an answer has too many errors that can impede the understanding of the ideas,
or lead to a superficial or confusing answer/content, it can be assessed as having a low(er)
quality of content/substance, and graded accordingly.
For this assignment only, because the sources were already provided to you and the questions
point to specific sections in one or more of the three documents, there is no need to provide intext citations and a list of references at the end.