Wk 6 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Financial Plan [due Day 7] Wk 6 – Apply: Signature Assignment: Financial Plan

Prepare a business case and financial plan for your selected organization.- Company selected must be an existing organization with publicly available information, ( I suggest picking an organization from the Fortune 500 – this could be the organization you have been using or a new one . Read through the assignment requirements, explore, and select an organization that will be suitable.

There are TWO deliverables for this assignment – a Word document and an Excel spreadsheet.

World Count – Paragraphs are 175-250 words. Focus on meaningful analysis.

Describe the existing business, including the type of business, industry dynamics, competitive rivalry,  ( one to two paragraphs). This is original, data supported analysis.

Create the business case.

  • EXPLAIN. PROPOSE why funding is needed for the company. For example: expanding existing operations into a new global market, development of a new product, etc. ( one paragraph). You are making this original choice – what is the “project”?
  • Determine the potential sources of funding for the project – discuss three types of funding . Consider self-funding, borrowing, equity, venture capital, etc. ( three paragraphs – one paragraph per funding type, be specific, have specific, realistic, justified, supported analysis) . Also Include in each paragraph: 
  • Evaluate the requirements of each of the three funding sources you identified.
  • Analyze the associated risks of each of the three funding sources.
  • Estimate the cost of capital for of the three funding sources under review.. Research current estimated APRs for each of the three sources of funding. Create a table to display this information. ONE TABLE WITHIN THE WORD DOCUMENT
  • Select your chosen funding source and justify your decision as why the funding source is the best fit for your project and organization. Have at least three reasons Justifying selection. ( one to two paragraphs) 
  • Analytical Summary – three paragraphs. Create a summary to highlight key points of benefit and concern of the project and the data in your profit and loss statement. You are making a final case ( financial, strategic, vision, etc) for proceeding with the project, benefit to the overall organization, potential risks, and how the project advances the existing strategic vision of the organization.
  • Create a profit-and-loss statement for a 3-year period. Project revenue, stating realistic assumptions, such as growth per year, in your projections. Estimate direct costs, including capital, marketing, labor, and supply costs.

    1) APA formatting, writing style, and referencing protocol is required and not using APA will impact every aspect of the rubric.
    2) Originality is required. Do not just restate previously published material. Any match over 20% will be reviewed carefully. A match over 50% will, depending on the root cause of the match issue, result in a zero on the assignment.

    Cite references to support your assignment.

    Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

    Submit your assignment.