Why We Lie(Response to Reading)

This assignment has two parts. Read the article “Why We Lie” (reading #1).

Part 1) On a separate document, answer the following discussion questions. Do not use quotations. All these answers should be in your own words to show your understanding of the article. I don’t want you to use the author’s exact words. Use  complete sentences and proper spelling and punctuation (as best as you can).

Discussion Questions:

1) Explain the different ways people lie for protection.

2) According to the article, why do children usually lie to their parents?

3) What does the author see as the benefit for an individual not to lie?

4) What does the author see as the benefit to others of not lying to them?

5) Making Connections: Argue a position. Describe a time when you were in an uncomfortable situation and you either chose to lie or decided not to lie. Explain why you made this choice.  Explain the outcome. Would you have done it differently next time?

Part 2:  On the same document as above, write two different quote sandwiches (directions for how to write a quote sandwich are in the powerpoint posted in this module). Choose one quote from the part of the article under the heading “Lying is About Immediate Reward, and the second quote from under the second heading “Why We Shouldn’t Lie.”

Often, the hardest part of writing a well developed paragraph for a student is extending commentary after a quote, so I ask you to use quote sandwiches (also called quote packages). Every time you use a quote in a paper for me this semester, you will use this sandwich format. If you want to, you can use these two quote sandwiches in Paper 1, which is due next week.