Whats Good About Lying Response to Reading

This assignment has two parts. Read the article “What’s Good About Lying” (reading #2).

Part 1) On a separate document, answer the following discussion questions. Do not use quotations. All these answers should be in your own words to show your understanding of the article. I don’t want you to use the author’s exact words. Use  complete sentences and proper spelling and punctuation (as best as you can).

Discussion Questions:

1) What are reasons young children tell anti-social lies and what are reasons young children tell prosocial lies?

2) What is a “theory of mind”? (Remember to put this into your own words. Don’t quote from the article.)

3) What qualities do prosocial lying reflect about the liar?

4) What’s the difference between a “blue lie” and a “black lie”?

5) Self- reflection: a) Describe a prosocial lie you’ve told (at any age of your life). b) Describe an anti-social lie you’ve told (to protext your ass) at any age of your life. c) Are you comfortable telling prosocial lies? Explain why or why not. d) Are your comfortable telling anti-social lies? Why or why not?

6) Extra Credit:Two truths and a lie: I’m going  to tell you two true things about myself and one lie. See if you can figure out which one is a lie. Feel free to text or email me questions to help you decide which one is the lie.

                    1. I live with five dogs.

                    2. I climbed to the peak of Mr. Ranier when I was 14.

                    3. I married my husband after knowing him for six weeks.

Part 2:  On the same document as above, write two different quote sandwiches (directions for how to write a quote sandwich are in the powerpoint posted in this module). Make sure each quote comes from a different section of the article (I have numbered them).