What is Wellness Coaching?

please follow and answer the paper in regards to the questions and sub questions listed below. Include minimum of 5 accredible references.
I have attached the rubric so please follow

1.    Title page: title, students name and student #, college affiliation, & professors name (written correctly please).

2.    Write the research paper in essay format (paragraphs with sentences- not point form) covering all of the following:
a.    Introduction – give an overview of the research paper following standard essay writing principles (purpose of the paper, points that will be covered, summary statement)

b.    Define Wellness, Health, Wellness coaching

c.    Compare and contrast Wellness Coach to:
Traditional therapist/ Psychologist
Personal Trainer
Athletic Therapist

d.    Contrast the responsibilities of the Wellness Coach in comparison to other professions.

i.    What makes a wellness coaching session different than other forms of coaching or treatments? Include core principles of wellness coaching to support your response.

e.    Identify some of the common areas of health & wellness that a Wellness Coach may assist a client with. Ensure to include a minimum of 3 areas.

f.    Identify where Wellness Coaches commonly work?

g.    Outline the education and continuing education requirements for a Wellness Coach?

3.    Based on your research build an argument that is either in support of Wellness Coaching as a profession or concerned with Wellness Coaching as a profession. Provide evidence for each of the points used in your argument.

4.    Include at least one additional point that you discovered during your research that you feel is relevant or that inspired you. Explain your point and why you feel it is relevant or inspirational to you.

5.    Include at least 5 references to support the answers in your essay.