Using a single International Financial Institution case, assess the central weaknesses that Critical approaches to IPE identify of the Neoliberal system.

Has to be 3000 words max.


Talk about the institution (IMF)
Set up your theory (Marxism)
Case study (Zambia)
How the theory identifies different characteristics (At least 3 developed) to then critique the case by identifying weaknesses (Zambia IMF), in doing so critiquing neoliberalism.


The purpose of the question is to show the weaknesses of the liberal institution.

You must show substance of how you got to the conclusion (critical analysis)

Show the theory and show the critical weaknesses, but you must explain how I reached that, how does the cases show that. That shows your independent approach and the meat on the bones.

Link the weakness to the theory e.g. It is understood that SAPs are a problem within the institution itself, so from the Marxist perspective this is characteristic of exploitation, a key seed of Marxist theory itself.

Marxism identifies certain issues, and the IMF is an example of this in this case we can see