
Read the scenarios below, and respond  to each of these employee communication scenarios. Ensure to include the  stated questions in your response. 

First Scenario

You are the manager of the human  resources (HR) department. The vice president of finance is talking  about an operations issue and then makes a small remark to you about his  staff being late or absent all of the time. His administrative  assistant, Bryan, is often late getting to work. This is not the first  time the vice president has made this comment. Just like last time, he  is not asking for your help or for you to do anything; he is just  complaining that he cannot get good help anymore.  You know through other finance  employees that the vice president tolerating this behavior has caused  resentment and dysfunction in the department, and other employees now  feel entitled to come in late, leave early, or call out since there are  no consequences. You learn that the vice president has tolerated it for  the past year and has not addressed it at all, and now it is starting to  reflect poorly on him.  This is causing a productivity drain  and the chief executive officer (CEO) is asking you why finance seems to  be lagging. The overall company workload has increased, and he needs  everyone on board, or he will have to make some changes at the executive  level. Since Bryan is not your direct report, you have to address the  issue with the vice president of finance. You are concerned about having  this difficult conversation since the vice president of finance is  technically higher on the corporate hierarchy than you; based upon your  past interactions, you fear that he will not respond positively to your  interference in his department.  What steps do you take to address the  problem? Be as specific and detailed as possible. What policies do you  reference? Provide an action plan for any communication and discipline.  Make sure you describe how and to whom you need to communicate your  information, and respond to the prompts below. 

  • What are some best practices in employee communications that you can use in this scenario? 
  • What tools can use to communicate your information to the employees and the organization as a whole?
  • Explain how you and the vice president can use appropriate discipline to effectively manage the employees behavior.
  • Explain the steps that you would take in both progressive and punitive discipline programs. 
Second Scenario

You are the HR director who supervises  18 professionals. You have a great team who generally works well  together, which allows you to be a hands-off director. They often work  late hours and work closely together. You have hired Richard to be a new  administrative support employee to help the team with their clerical  workload.  You learn through various employee  complaints that one of the professionals on your team appears to be  acting inappropriately toward the new employee. Diane, a manager and the  team lead, is witnessed making harassing remarks about the young new  guy and how he dresses and looks. These comments are not overt sexual  harassment, and Richard has not made any complaints; in fact, he seems  to laugh it off in staff meetings. There are two other employees who  have complained that Dianes behavior is negatively affecting the team.  There are even claims that she has been seen touching and grabbing  Richard when they are working closely together.  As the HR director, how do you address  the situation? What steps do you take to address the problem? Be as  specific and detailed as possible. What policies do you reference?  Provide a detailed, step-by-step plan for any communication and  discipline. Make sure you describe how and to whom you need to  communicate your information, and respond to the prompts below. 

  • What are some best practices in employee communications that you can use in this scenario? 
  • What tools can you use to communicate your information to the employees and the organization as a whole? 
  • Explain how you can use appropriate discipline to effectively manage the employees behavior.
  • Explain the steps that you would take in both progressive and punitive discipline programs. 

Your assignment must be a minimum of  four pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Also,  make certain to use 12-point Times New Roman font and double spacing, as  APA formatting is required for this assignment. Research is required; therefore, you  must include a minimum of three references (one of which can be your  textbook), and at least one of the references must come from the CSU  Online Library. When responding to questions, do not use a  question-and-answer format. Instead, use subheadings to separate your  academic writing.