To What Extent Should Biochemical Warfare Be Outlawed?

Hello, thanks for taking the time to do my research paper!
This is a global research paper for the University of Cambridge. I am a high schooler taking this class, and in one of the requirements to pass it is an immeasurable global research paper. To start with, the paper needs the following:

Countries perspective (For example, It cant be just south American countries and central America, it has to be like from India to Canada to the U.K to brazil to turkey, these are examples and various countries needs to be involved, you are free to choose the countries that fit best for the research question as long as it doesn’t fall in one continent only.)

CRAVEN (CRAVEN stands for Credibility, Reliability, Ability to see, Vested interests, Expertise, and Neutrality. We use CRAVEN to evaluate the sources of an argument to prove whether it is valid or not in the research paper itself.)

Plagiarism (I doubt I need to mention this but just in case, the University of Cambridge uses a special state of art plagiarism, so in other words, as long as you cite in the research paper it will be perfect.)

Viewpoints (The viewpoints of your choice (countries) will have to include should not or should be based on the research question)

Controversial (Nothing controversial or debatable like abortion.)

SPECS (A MUST, it stands for science, political, economic, culture, and social, these are the perspective you need to use from the countries itself for the research question.)

FALLACIES (Self-explanatory)

I have posted a few files to give you an idea of what I want and the examples that my teachers have given me and a guide too. Overall, when writing this, always think global! 🙂