The Heros Journey

The Heros Journey

Image of painting of Achilles series after Peter Paul Rubens. Author: Frans and Jan Raes after a design by Peter Paul Rubens.  Image is in the public domain. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons.As we have learned from our readings, the monomyth, or the Hero’s Journey, is a story that is universal, archetypal, and recognizable simply because we are human. For this activity, you will apply your understanding of the elements of the Hero’s Journey to the movie, Troy.

Begin by completing the required readings for this module and by reviewing your notes from Module 1, particularly the elements of the Hero’s Journey, as well as the film, Troy. Next, return to pages 220-223 in your text. Choose one of the following three topics:

gates of an unknown zone
in the belly of the whale
the road of trials
Then, in your original post:

Analyze how the events in the film fit into the category you have chosen from the list above (gates of an unknown zone; in the belly of the whale; the road of trials). For example, if you choose gates of the unknown zone as your topic, you will need to choose one of the main characters in the film and discuss the point in the film where that character reaches the gates of the unknown zone.
Explain how well your example fits into the elements of your chosen category.
Example questions to help you complete this activity:

Did your example of the gates of the unknown match up with the information given in your readings?
Was the main character aided by a supernatural guide? Had the hero already set out on his adventure when he reached the gates of the unknown zone?
Did the hero encounter a threshold guardian? How did that guardian represent the limits of the heros current life? Did the guardian assist the hero or was the guardian deceitful?
If you choose belly of the whale as your category, evaluate your chosen characters actions by comparing the details from the film with the information on page 220 of your text in the paragraph that begins The hero is swallowed up
These questions are only guides for your analysis. Remember in the movie Troy, we have several main characters who will follow the path of the Heros Journey. You do not have to choose Achilles! You certainly can, but that is not your only option.