The French Revolution

Question 1. The French Revolution had several different causes, both structural and
individual ones. Choose the one or two causes (it could be an economical cause, an
ideological cause, a social cause, a political cause, or a cause that relates to the role of
an individual/agency) that you think is most historically significant in relation to the
outbreak of the French Revolution. Write an answer (maximum 800 words) in which youll
describe and argue why this/these cause/causes is of special historical significance.

Question 2. The French Revolution lasted ten years from 1789 to 1799 and included several
different historical events such as the storming of the bastille, the meeting of the
estates general, the writings of the Declaration of the rights of Man, the death of
the king and queen. Choose one of the mentioned events and write an answer (maximum
800 words) in which youll describe the historical significance of the event. What happened?
Why did it happen? And what were the specific effects of the event? Why is it of significant in
relation to the revolution itself?

Some advice: The key to a good history answer is to keep focused on the question. Try to
make sure that everything you write is relevant and helps you answer the question.
Factual knowledge is important but, on its own, will only provide an interesting story rather
than a historical explanation. The factual knowledge should be used to back up and illustrate
your points and arguments. 

In this assessment your answers should include:
a) an introduction which identifies some
the main idea that you will develop in the rest of your answer and ideally provides a line of
argument which will be developed as your answer progresses
b) some paragraphs which
describes, explains and evaluates the chosen cause/event
c) a conclusion which ties
together the idea that youve have explored.