The film Fatal Attraction

Describe any relevant psychological disorders in the characters of Fatal Attraction. Does the film accurately portray these disorders.

The paper must contain a critical evaluation of how the film portrays the relevant topic.  For example, if the film portrays a therapeutic treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, there are several questions that a reaction paper might touch upon. Does the film provide a fair representation of the disorder?  How does it relate to the readings?  What other elements could the film include to provide a better portrayal?  What does the films depiction reveal about how the disorder is portrayed in society?  What elements of the film were done well?  How does this film relate to other areas of psychology and other disorders?  The important part of the reaction paper, and the basis for grading, is that any opinion presented must be supported with well thought out arguments supported by independent research (reference pages are required for each paper).