The Culture of Disability

My chosen topic&video: Up/Down”” Bipolar Disorder″ (20)

The purpose of this project is to enhance your understanding of select social issues faced by people with disabilities by writing a research-based reflection after watching a documentary.
1.    Watch the documentary, taking notes as you do so on the social issues identified in the documentary.
2.    Research the social issues (e.g., exclusion, access, stigma, relationships, sexuality, employment, etc.) related to the documentary (you may need to pick one or two major topic areas to research if there are multiple in your documentary). Please do NOT research the disability from a medical perspective. For example, if you watch a documentary about people with Downs Syndrome, do not write about trisomy 21or other medical related issues. This class addresses the social constructs of disability not the causes, prevalence or medical impact of various disabilities.
4.    Identify at least 3 reputable scholarly sources
5.    Please use the following headers and sub headers in your paper.
1.    Summary: Write a 12page summary of the documentary that highlights the critical issues (6 points)
2.    Research Section: In this section, use the sub headers below to discuss the scholarly research you found. Make sure you have identified 3 scholarly sources related to the issues you identified in the summary and cite them in this section. Total length of this section should be 2 to 2 & 12 pages. The following sub headers should be included:
i.    Search Process: Describe how you found your sources (length should be 14 of a page). What search engine did you use? Reflect on how difficult or easy was it to find reputable sources. How did you decide on the ones you ended up selecting (there is an assumption that you read more than you include in you paper)? (5 points)
ii.    Review of the Research: Provide a 1 to 1 and 12 page review of the research you found related to the critical issues from the documentary. The research needs to directly relate to the critical issues presented in the documentary. Write a summary of what you learned and relate it back to the critical issues explored in the movie. Present how the information you learned furthered your knowledge on the critical issue. You need to provide citations throughout this section. This section will also be graded for the quality & relevance of your sources. Ensure that they are scholarly, reputable sources and that they are relevant to the issues you raised from the documentary (26 points for review + 9 points for quality of citations).
iii.    Questions and Future Ideas: After doing your research and writing your paper, what questions do you have about the issues? Write at least 3 questions. Also, include ideas you have about how to promote positive changes in the future regarding the issues you identified. (Length 14 to 12 page long (5 points)
V.    The entire paper should be 2& 1/2 -3 pages (not including the reference list).