study of the relation between drug use and depression among Universities students in North America

Research Concept ()
In no more than one page, describe the research topic you intend to study. Give enough information so the reader can understand your topic and intended focus. While the topic is yours to decide, it must require the collection of both primary and secondary data. Provide a clear rationale for the research that explains the significance of the topic. Propose the method that you recommend be used to collect the primary research, either interviews or surveys, as appropriate. Publication Summaries ()
Summarize two publications(at least one academic; the other could be from a respected publication) which directly relate to your proposed topic. If in doubt about the appropriateness of a particular publication, consult with the library staff. Each summary should be about a page in length and will be evaluated on its accuracy to the article. The quality of the article will also be assessed in the evaluation. Reference List ()
Cite your two publications in APA format

I will need the sources you’re going to use to print them and attach while submitting