Stress Management

Your responses must be typed using MLA or APA format (12 pt font, double-spaced), and should be a MINIMUM OF 1 FULL PAGE (In addition to any space the questions may take up if you copy and paste them). Please make sure you are connecting the information to your personal stress management journey and experiences when applicable. YOU MUST USE PROPER CITATIONS! Please remember that when you directly copy out of the book, paraphrase from the book, or summarize the book, which will be in expected in every single assignment where you read chapters, you must use in-text citations as well as cite the source on a Works Cited or Bibliography Page. 

Please answer the following critical thinking questions from chapter 2: The Joy of Living in the Parasympathetic System. 

1.  Which part of the nervous system excites the body for the fight-or-flight response, and which part of the nervous system calms the body down for the rest-and-relaxation response?  Please use complete sentences.

2.  How do somatic exercises like, Yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong help calm the nervous system down?  Which of these exercises do you personally connect with and why? Please use complete sentences.

3.  What was the most impactful concept you learned in this chapter and why? Please use complete sentences.

the chapter posted read it .