
MGMT 3500 Principles of Management

Business Management Analysis Project

The Goals and Objectives of the Project

Students are expected to choose a business organization (for-profit or not-for-profit) to gather information about the organization and its approach to management. The requirements for a business organization to qualify for the project:

1. The business organization must have three or more employees and be conducting a legal business enterprise.

2. You must have a reliable source addressing a company manager/owner’s approach to one or more management principles. For example, a video interview with the owner regarding his or her leadership style or an article quoting the CEO on plans to address opportunities/threats. A personal interview will also qualify as a reliable source. If a student knows a manager/owner at the company, then the student may prefer to interview that manager/owner about their approach to management. The interview may be conducted remotely.

If you want to request an exception for a smaller company or business, please talk to the professor before the midterm.

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