Special Educator Interview Assignment



The purpose of this Special Educator Interview Assignment is to allow you to interview someone in the field of education who has experience in dealing with behavior issues in the school setting. From the interview, you should gain an understanding of how this individual attempts to prevent behavior problems, how they deal with problems when they arise, and how they communicate with administration, other staff members, and the family to involve others in the process. From the interview, it is hoped you will gain practical knowledge that you can apply now, or in the future.


Set up a meeting to interview a classroom teacher, special education teacher, resources teacher, specialist, guidance counselor, Sunday school teacher, childrens pastor, etc., who you perceive to have outstanding behavior management skills. Preferably, the interview will be conducted in person, but a phone or virtual interview will also be accepted.

Create a list of at least eight questions addressing the topic of behavior management. Be sure the questions are open-ended and encourage discussion. As you interview the individual, feel free to follow up on any question to obtain more information.

You will submit:

1)Information about the interviewee. Describe their position and why you feel they were a credible resource to recruit for the interview.

2)A transcript of the interview; the questions you composed and the responses you received. State the question in bold text and the response in regular text.

3)A one-page minimum summary of the individuals views/practices regarding behavior management and an analysis of what you gained by participating in this activity.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.