Spanish Final

Format of Final Exam:
Word Document (type it and save it as a Word Document, and not a PDF File.)
Double Spaced
Citations at the end of document

Sources for your Final Exam:
The Story of Spain by Mark Williams
The Buried Mirror by Carlos Fuentes
No Internet Sources
No Wikipedia
No Other Sources other than what I have provided you.
Please do not forget your citations.
You need to answer all four questions. The answers should be based on the information we have studied in class throughout the semester. You need to be specific in your answer and provide specific names and incidents in your answers. Again, less is more and what is important is content and that you are answering the questions with only the sources that I asked you to use.

Question 1: Spain Before 1492 and Spain After 1492
Explain in what condition was Spain before 1492. Overhaul how was Europe before 1492?
What or who changed these conditions? How was this situation resolved and for what reason or
How was Spain after 1492? What was gained? What was lost?
Was it only Spain who gained from the Discovery of the New World? Please explain.
Professors Notes: regarding Question No. 1
This question is based on all the information that you have learned from the beginning of class up to when you took Exam No. 3 recently. See where Spain was at the beginning of the semester and where it is now with Phillip IIand focus where and why did this change happen.

Question 2: The Fall of the Spanish Empire
Please summarize as to why the Spanish Empire Fell.
Please briefly explain your answer with names, content, and specific reasons.
Who were some of the important personalities during this period of Spain?
What circumstances came about with the falling of the Spanish Empire, in Spain and abroad?
Who is to blame for the fall of the Spanish Empire?
Or What caused the fall of the Spanish Empire?
Professors Notes: regarding Question No. 2
The 18th and 19th centuries in Spain were, if I had one word to choose, would be revolutionary. If I had to use another, it would have to be surprising, and if one more could be chosen, it would have to be the beginning of the end. What was will no longer be and it was the beginning of a devastating period of Spain.
Now we have to the task of organizing our thoughts and to answer the question:
Why did the Spanish Empire Fail?
There are many opinions and much evidence as to why such a strong empire went down so quickly and
so harshly.
It was a personal wound not only economic one, but within the spirit and the essence of the Spanish
Their egos and their pride were slashed.
Perhaps sounding too poetic, but this wound did not cicatrize quickly.
For many, it has never been recuperated.
Sources to use to answer the above question: The Story of Spain Chapters 7 and 8
Buried Mirror Chapters 10, 11, and 12
Video to watch to help you under the question: The Spanish Empire, Silver, and Runaway Inflation (10:00 minutes)

Question 3: The Spanish Civil War
Please summarize the events of the Spanish Civil War.
Please briefly explain your answer with names, content, and specific reasons.
Who were some of the important personalities during this period of Spain?
What were some of the results of the Spanish Civil War?
Did the Spanish Civil War only affect the Spaniards? Or were there results outside of Spain?
What were the effects of the Spanish Civil War to the Spaniards? To the outsiders of Spain?
Professors Notes: regarding Question No. 3
Now we come to the final cut of Spains Empire.
Spains Golden Age was now just a memory.
For some, they would say that the wounds that Spain caused on the New World, was being repeated
but now within Spain itself.
Regardless of the fact how you look at this period in Spains History, much was lost which had no
monetary value.
Many voiced their opinions and their disagreement.
They were either forced to leave the country or were killed because la verdad the truth was not
permitted to be heard.
For those that left, they voiced their opinion whether it is through art, poetry, photography, or drama.
Its through these eyes which we will study this segment of Spains history first.
Then you will read the chapters in our books and provide the responses to the above questions.
Sources to use to answer the above question: The Story of Spain Chapters 10 and 11
Buried Mirror Chapter 17
Here are some photographs that I would like for you to view to help you understand the time period and the
questions at hand:
Robert Capa was a Hungarian Photojournalist who covered several wars in his life. One of these wars was the Spanish Civil War. As you can see from the photographs, the Spain we see is not the Spain that we have seen previously. The Spaniards were now fighting not for new lands or converts into Catholicism, but now the fight was to see who would rule Spain. It was Spaniards against Spaniards. The monarch, King Alfonso XVIII decided to step down so that the Republic would find itself and by doing this what occurred was more than forty years of Dictatorship.
Please follow this link: Robert Capa – Spanish Civil War or
Once the link opens, please scroll Down and click on Spain 1936 Spanish Civil War.
There are 190 photographs taken from Robert Capa. Please look through them. Each photograph tells a story and shows the viewer how the Spaniard of this time must have felt. There is much to say about this period of history. We could dedicate a whole semester trying to analyze it, but for the purpose of this segment of the project:
To try to understand what it might have felt for the Spaniards who were fighting against their fellow Spaniards.
To see the Spain that we have been studying throughout the semester and now seeing it in this manner during this period.
What differences to we see physically and emotionally?
Ask yourself, what happened for this to occur?
Artwork to view to help you understand the time period and the questions at hand:
Please follow this link to view and read about Guernica by Pablo Picasso: Guernica by Pablo Picasso at El Museo Reina Sofia or
You can read the following segment which is entitled Guernica Testimony of War to help you understand the importance of the artwork. If you are not able to open the file through this link, I have included a separate file on Blackboard.

Question 4: What did you learn from the LAC 1000 course?
Please give me at least three items that you have learned about the Spanish / Spanish American culture throughout the semester.
Please give me a brief explanation or what these items are with reference to the material we have used, read, or seen throughout the semester.
Please tell me if there was something that you were surprised to have learned from the course. Briefly explain your answer.
Extra Credit: 10%
I would like to know what you liked and did not like of the course. Please explain your answer so that I can understand the reason behind it. If you have any suggestions for future classes, please submit them. I am always trying to improve the course so that I can make it more interesting for future students.
If you answer this question, please be aware that whether it is a negative or a positive answer, it will not be held against you with your grades. I am just taking an opinion as to how I can better the course. Thank you for your input.