Sociology 313

This assignment must be typed, double-spaced, and in Times New Roman 12-point font. In total, you should only write about 250 to 350 words. How you distribute your words is up to your discretion. You must upload your document to Canvas. Please ensure you put your name on your paper; you should not include any other headings, titles, dates, or anything else.

Your answers should demonstrate:

that you read and engaged with the book.
your ability to analyze and compare concepts across related subject matter.
an ability to be clear and succinct in your writing.
a proper understanding of the terms and concepts you cite as examples.
Directions: Respond to the following prompts, using your own words (i.e. no big quotes copied from the book).

1) Explain Pellows argument that prisons are a site for environmental injustice (ch3). Provide at least one example from the book in the process of your explanation.

2) Explain Pellows argument that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a matter of environmental justice concerns (ch4). Provide at least one example from the book in the process of your explanation.

3) In a sentence or two, describe one major way in which the issues presented in chapters 3 and 4 are thematically connected to one another. This is a critical thinking and reading comprehension question. I am not asking for you to repeat anything about the four pillars or the organizational structure of the chapters; rather, I am asking you to think critically about connections between the overarching injustices presented in Pellows arguments in both chapters.