Before you answer the question:
Read Chapter 1 AND any ONE of the chapters between Chapters 2 and 9 of the following book:

Finger, M. and Holvad, T. (2013): Regulating Transport in Europe. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

All the chapters are downloadable from UM Learn (under the folder “Written Essay”). Chapter 1 offers you an overview on the contemporary regulatory and policy development of transport in the European Union (EU), while Chapters 2 and 9 provide you adequate knowledge on the contemporary regulatory and policy development of different transport modes in the EU.

After reading the chapters, go to search for any similar information related to the contemporary regulatory and policy development of a particular transport mode in Canada (e.g., if you have chosen to read Chapter 2, then you should go to search for the regulatory and policy development of air transport in Canada). *

* It is okay if you prefer to focus on a Canadian province/territory (e.g., Manitoba, Yukon) or city (e.g., Winnipeg) rather than Canada in general.

After you have done so, answer the following question:

What are the major similarities and differences between the EU and Canada# in terms of transport regulations and policy development (based on the transport mode that you have chosen to research)? Also, critically discuss whether you agree to the statement “The EU’s transport regulations and policies can be directly implemented into the Canadian# context”.

# Or a Canadian province/territory or a Canadian city, if you prefer. However, you must state this explicitly in your written essay.

You should critically discuss the above statement based on some real world examples. Also, you should explain and justify why you (do not) agree with the statement.