Review Chapter 6 in the McKenzie et al. text. Consider the importance of long- and short-term objectives in planning public health

Prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review Chapter 6 in the McKenzie et al. text. Consider the importance of long- and short-term objectives in planning public health programs.
  • Think about your own experience creating objectives to meet personal or professional goals.
  • Consider how you might create and apply long-term and short-term objectives in planning for your own public health program.

Day 4

Post a brief description of experiences you have had creating long-term and short-term objectives in your own life. Explain the importance of each type of objective and how it helped you reach goals. Finally, explain how you might use long-term and short-term objectives in planning your public health program. Support your responses using the Learning Resources and current literature.

Note: Initial postings must be 250350 words (not including references).