Research Question and Secondary Data: The Chicken or the Egg?

During this course, you may have read about several different challenges and opportunities of using secondary data. There is an old, but current dilemma related with the use of secondary data, where researchers are divided on when the research questions should take form, before or after the review of the dataset. As in any other analytical process, you should approach this issue in a logical way; consider all the characteristics of the secondary data and your needs.

For this Discussion, you will consider whether the research question should come before or after a review of the secondary data.

To prepare:

Critically analyze this weeks Learning Resources.

Post a 2- to 3-paragraph evaluation of the relationship between the research question and secondary data. Include the following:

Your position on whether it is more important to devise your research question first and then match it with the appropriate secondary data, or to develop your research question after reviewing secondary data
A description of one strength and one limitation to each approach (justify your responses)