

  • Review Chapter 52 in the Florian text, reflecting on how special education has evolved as a result of federal reforms.
  • Review the Leko et al. article identifying aspects of personnel needed to prepare for the future of special education. Consider evidence from the research to support your plan.
  • Review the teachers guide for involving students and parents in transition planning in the Cavendish et al. article.
  • Review the Hirano et al. article, reflecting on the conceptual model for parental involvement and transition planning.

By Day 7 of Week 11

Professional and Theoretical Knowledge

Create a 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following components:

  • A reflection on the evolution of the field of special education by describing where it is currently at and where it is heading.
  • A reflection on how Waldens mission of social change relates to and has an impact on you as a special educator.
  • A description of how you will stay current on key topics, laws, and practices in the field of special education.
  • An explanation of how you will ensure students with exceptionalities will be contributing members of society. Include at least one reference to college and career readiness skills and discuss how transition plans can support your ideas.