
Support for a universal basic income (UBI) varies by age andpolitical party. According to a poll taken in September, 72percent of registered voters ages 18 to 34 support a UBIprogram, while only 26 percent of those ages 65 and olderdo. Democrats are more likely to support the policy thanRepublicans. Overall, support for universal basic income rosefrom 43 percent in March to 49 percent in September.

Sources: Tess Bonn, “Voter support for universal basicincome grows: poll,” The Hill, Sept. 25, 2019,; Matthew Sheffield, “Poll:Younger voters want universal basic income while older onesreject it overwhelmingly,” The Hill, March 22, 2019,

Data for the graphic are as follows:

Category Percentage ofSupport in March2019

Percentage of Supportin September 2019


43% 49%

Ages 18 to34

55% 72%

Ages 35 to49

57% 58%

Ages 50 to64

38% 37%

Ages 65+ 21% 26%

Republicans 27% 30%

Democrats 54% 66%

Independents 44% 48%