Programming in Java – Assignment: Developing a Java Program

Create a Java project in IDE and begin the Project Program by developing a Java Method to print the programming specifications for the project.
Expand the Project Program and create Java code to input from the console (keyboard) the first quiz grade. Use a loop to allow the user to continue to enter grades as long as they don’t enter 999 to quit.
Expand the Project Program and create Java code to populate the array the student’s quiz grades. The grade is added to a running total, and the count of grades entered is incremented. If the grade entered is the 10th grade, the grade is forced to 999 and the loop ends; otherwise the user enters another quiz grade. When the loop ends count holds the number of grades entered.
Expand the Project Program and create Java code use another loop to print all grades in the array.
Expand the Project Program and create Java code to compute the average quiz grade.
Expand the Project Program and create Java code to us decision logic to find out the letter grade of the average based on the following grading scale and print to the console.
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = 0-59

Please see the attachment file for more information.