Practice Question 2

Huber (2004) wrote on the topic of organizational learning and knowledge acquisition. He noted that a firm or organizations survival is linked to three dependencies:

Survival in a dynamic and competitive business environment requires innovation.
Innovation requires new knowledge, or a new way of combing current knowledge.
New knowledge, or a new way of combing current knowledge, requires learning (Huber, 2004, p. 118).

Considering all of the changes and learning that has been accomplished in your field of study during the past two decades, what have you studied or seen as innovative or linked to the creation of new knowledge?

During your course of study, you have been exposed to the areas of distance learning and virtual teams (whether working as a group or with your instructor(s) on a one-on-one basis), so you have seen innovation in terms of moving the classroom from a physical location into a virtual state. With this virtual state in mind, more and more organizations have been able to operate globally to a larger degree. Thus, the sharing of knowledge between organizations has become a valued commodity in the workplace and marketplace.

Specifically, as you write your response to this question, you may want to incorporate how your current level of knowledge can be used in an innovative way to help strengthen or increase the knowledge in your field. Also, you may want to consider how your experience in distance learning has changed or not changed your views on globalization, distance learning, and/or knowledge management.