Much Ado About Nothing

1) Identify a character and examine her/his speech and behavior to determine his/her underlying motivations and analyze what we learn about human nature from him/her.  Keep in mind that some characters grow and learn from the events of the play, while others remain static (unchanging), and you’ll want to take this into consideration in your analysis. 


2) Choose one couple (Hero/Claudio or Beatrice/Benedick) and examine their interactions through speech and behavior to determine their underlying motivations and analyze what we learn about falling in love from this couple.  Avoid comparing the two couples; focus on the way their relationship begins, evolves, and concludes.


Your thesis should make a claim about the overarching message (theme) we learn about the human experience from the character or couple.

Your body paragraphs should work to support your thesis, using specific examples from the text.

Be sure to show your reader how each example is connected to your thesis (analysis)


21/2 -4 pages (minimum 750 words)

Times New Roman, 12-pt font, double spaced.