Moral Instinct

 Please read The Moral Instinct, by the celebrated psychologist, cognitive scientist, and linguist, Steven  Pinker. Take notes as you read this provocative essay. In your “Main  Discussion” post select two or three ideas that struck as being  particularly interesting or important. In your first sentence identify  the points you will discuss. Then thoughtfully discuss the points that  you selected.

 Make sure that you submit two posts: (1) “Main Post” – one post should address the discussion topic. (2) “Response Post”  – one post should be a response to another person`s post. Each post  needs to be 15 – 20 sentences in length. Also, make sure that you read  all or almost all of the posts of your classmates. You are reminded that  in your discussion posts you will be expected to show that you are  integrating ideas from the assigned unit readings and the other  resources provided (articles from newspapers, magazines, journals, and  videos) into your posts. Failure to do this will result in a lower  discussion grade and a successful discussion post that refers to  specific readings and videos will receive a higher discussion grade.  Your “Main Post” needs to be submitted by midnight on Friday. Your “Response Post” needs to be submitted by midnight on Sunday.