4/17/22, 11:45 AM Module Five Report Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-580-X4576 Innov/Strat High-Perform Orgs 22TW4
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Module Five Report Guidelines and Rubric
As a middle manager, you have already recommended an innova�on op�on (incremental or discon�nuous) to the organiza�on from
the course scenario. However, one of the organiza�on’s key luxury-market compe�tors in passenger vehicles recently launched a
prototype of a fully autonomous luxury sedan. It has announced that it plans to bring the model to market within the next two
years. The organiza�on wants to prepare for the challenge.
You have been tasked with crea�ng a report recommending the most suitable process for managing innova�on in a changing
external environment (for example, a key compe�tor coming up with a new product). You will also recommend how cross-func�onal
teams can work effec�vely within the process. Lastly, you will address the concerns of the key stakeholders about introducing
innova�on management processes in a changing environment.
Based on this scenario, create a process recommenda�on report. Remember to tailor the informa�on for the target audience, your
stakeholders. Your report should include the following points:
1. Iden�fy the most suitable process for managing innova�on in a changing external environment. You must consider the
following processes and briefly describe all four processes before you offer your recommenda�on:
2. Explain your ra�onale for your recommenda�on.
Describe the advantage of your chosen process over others.
Explain how it can address the changing external environment.
3. Explain recommenda�ons for ensuring cross-func�onal team effec�veness in the chosen process.
How would you measure team success at each stage of a project?
How would you review and implement changes coming out of success measurements?
How do you know when you are done with the project?
4. Describe your plan for addressing the concerns of your key stakeholders. Select two of the following departments whose
directors will be your audience: research and development (R&D), finance, human resources (HR), or marke�ng.
Iden�fy key stakeholders who will use the report in your organiza�on.
List at least two concerns they may have about processes for managing innova�on.
Explain your response to their concerns.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit a 2- to 3-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. If references
are included, they should be cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more informa�on on cita�ons.
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Module Five Report Rubric
MBA-580-X4576 Innov/Strat High-Perform Orgs 22… TM
4/17/22, 11:45 AM Module Five Report Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-580-X4576 Innov/Strat High-Perform Orgs 22TW4
https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1022928/viewContent/17973068/View 2/4
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%)Needs Improvement
(70%)Not Evident (0%) Value
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Iden�fies the most
suitable process for
managing innova�on
in a changing
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include describing all
four processes
Does not a�empt
Ra�onale for
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Explains ra�onale for
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may
include adding a
ra�onale for how the
recommenda�on can
address the changing
Does not a�empt
on Cross-
Func�onal Team
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
for ensuring cross-
func�onal team
effec�veness in the
chosen process
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas of
improvement may
include adding an
explana�on of how
team success would
be measured
Does not a�empt
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Describes plan for
addressing the
concerns of key
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors or
omissions; areas of
improvement may
include describing
plan for addressing
the concerns of at
least two of the
listed stakeholders
Does not a�empt
Ar�cula�on of
Exceeds proficiency
in an excep�onally
clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or
crea�ve manner
Clearly conveys
meaning with correct
grammar, sentence
structure, and
demonstra�ng an
understanding of
audience and
Shows progress
toward proficiency,
but with errors in
grammar, sentence
structure, and
spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability
Submission has
cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence
structure, and
spelling, preven�ng
understanding of
Total 100%
4/17/22, 11:45 AM Module Five Report Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-580-X4576 Innov/Strat High-Perform Orgs 22TW4
https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1022928/viewContent/17973068/View 3/4
Total 100%
4/17/22, 11:45 AM Module Five Report Guidelines and Rubric – MBA-580-X4576 Innov/Strat High-Perform Orgs 22TW4
https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/1022928/viewContent/17973068/View 4/4
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