Medication dispensing units

For Milestone Two of your final project, you will analyze your chosen information technology and management strategy. Your submission for this step must
address the following elements:
A. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using your chosen topic.
B. Identify any legal and ethical implications associated with the use of your chosen topic, being sure to provide specific examples from research. If you
feel there are none, be sure to justify your conclusion.
C. Explain how your chosen topic might need to be adapted for use with vulnerable populations. If you feel there is no need for adaptation, be sure to
defend your position with specific examples.
D. Be sure to support your analysis with cited sources.
Guidelines for Submission: Your analysis of your chosen information technology and management strategy should be a minimum of 12 pages. Formatting
should be 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and one-inch margins. References and in-text citations should use proper APA formatting.