Marketing Plan for concierge covid testing

Concierge covid testing with same-day results or rapid 15 minutes. The target market is employers within production companies who need to test their staff before a shoot so they can work safely. In addition to anyone who needs a test that hears about the service via word of mouth in southern California.
1. Identify your vision and mission statement for the firm.
-something along the lines of providing professional and fast service, with quick turnaround times, as well as following safety protocols.
2. Define the specialization or niche that you are addressing in the marketplace that
differentiates you from others.
3. Define the market segments (no more than two) which you will target.
You may reference specific details from your textbook.
Please reference the textbook: Kerin, Roger A., Hartley, Steven W., & Rudelius, William. (2018). Marketing. 14thed.,McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Please use the attached outline.