Machine learning

As Professor Jaakkolas mentioned in his first video, machine learning as a discipline tries to design, understand, and use computer programs that learn from experience (e.g. data), without being explicitly programmed for specific modeling, prediction, or control tasks. Then, in his interview with Professor Malone, he suggested three requirements for using machine learning:

1. The issue can be formulated as a machine learning problem,
2. There is enough relevant data available that could be used by machine learning algorithms, and
3. The system has enough regularity in it that there are patterns that can be learned.
Consider the working environment you have chosen to focus on during this program. Describe three situations in your working environment, or elsewhere, that meet the requirements suggested above.

For each of the examples you have chosen, write a paragraph in which you briefly outline the example and explain how it satisfies the three requirements for using machine learning. (Max. 500 words)