Lessons For Dealing With Age Diversity In Organizations

 While generalizations can occasionally be problematic, there are arguably observable differences in attitudes and expectations related to employment and employers between employees from different generations and age groups.   Describe some of these differences and discuss how leaders can use their understanding of these differences to enhance the work experience for all employees and improve the performance of their organization.  

Can a leader adapt their leadership style as they deal with employees from different generations and age groups and, maybe just as important, should they? Lastly are there lessons here for a leader working with any diverse workforce? 



  • International Public Safety Leadership and Ethics Institute:
  • The Public Side of Public Safety:
  • Public Safety Leadership in Times of Crisis:
  • Deference Link 5.2 Creative Leadership
  • Reference Link 5.3 Task Leadership
  • Reference Link 5.4 Leadership in Organizations
  • Audio Link 6.1 Podcast #97, Bob Sutton, PhD, “Good Boss, Bad Boss: How to be the Best…and Learn from the Worst” 
  • Reference Link 6.4 Leadership Effectiveness
  • Video Link 9.1 (Transactional vs. Transformational) Leadership Development Course: Transactional vs. Transformational Theory
  • Video Link 9.2 (The Addictive Effect) Transformational Leadership by Tom Bloomer Part 1
  • Reference Link 10.1 Stewardship
  • Reference 10.2 Servant Leader Beginnings