
Plate Tectonics

Lecture 11

What Are the Earth’s Major Geological Hazards?

´ Dynamic processes move matter within the earth and on its surface´ Cause volcanic eruptions,

earthquakes, tsunamis, erosion, and landslides

Plate Tectonics

´ Unified theory: Study the dynamic creation, movement, and destruction processes of plates

´ Plates: lithosphere fragments

´ Plates move in relation to each other at varied rates

´ No major tectonic movements within plates

´ Dynamic actions concentrated along plate boundaries

3 major types of plate boundaries

 Divergent: plates moving apart and new lithosphere produced in mid-oceanic ridge

 Convergent: plates collide, subduction and mountain building

 Transform: two plates slide past one another

The Earth Beneath Your Feet Is Moving

Divergent Margins and the Red Sea

Figure 2.21Seafloor Spreading

Convergent Margins When plates collide




Transform Faults

Transform Margins along the Seafloor

San Andreas fault

Driving Mechanism´ What drives plate motion?

´ Old idea: plates are dragged atop a convectingmantle.

´Convection does occur; not the prime driving mechanism.

´ Modern thinking: two other forces drive plate motions. ´ Ridge-push—elevated MOR pushes lithosphere away.

´ Slab-pull—gravity pulls a subducting plate downward.

Volcanoes Release Molten Rock from the Earth’s Interior

´ Volcano´Magma rising through the

lithosphere reaches the earth’s surface through a crack (fissure)

´Eruption–release of lava, hot ash, and gases into the environment

• ~1500 active volcanoes on Earth

• 400 erupted in the last century

• ~50 eruptions per year

• Most activity concentrated along major plate boundaries

• Impact risks depend on the type of volcano



Viscosity of Magma and Explosiveness

Silicon-oxygen tetrahedron

Hot Spots

´ Volcanic centers with magma source from deep mantle, perhaps near the core-mantle boundary

´ A chain of volcanoes over a stationary hot spot

´ The bend of a seamount chain over a hot spot representing the change of plate motion

What are Earthquakes?


´Occurs when rock breaks accompanied by displacement

´Occurs along zones of weakness in the crust, fault zones

´Fault lines´Begin as sudden ruptures, but

can result in large (hundreds of km) faults over millions of year

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´Earthquakes´Vibration in Earth resulting from

sudden displacement along a fault

´Earthquake waves´Energy released by earthquakes

moves in several types of seismic waves that originate at the center of fault motion, the origin

´Ground above origin experiences strongest jolt, the epicenter

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Body Waves: P and S waves

´ Body waves´ P or primary waves

´fastest waves´travel through solids, liquids, or gases´compressional wave, material

movement is in the same direction as wave movement

´ S or secondary waves´slower than P waves´travel through solids only´shear waves – move material

perpendicular to wave movement

Surface Waves: R and L waves

´ Surface Waves´ Travel just below or along the ground’s surface´ Slower than body waves; rolling and side-to-side

movement´ Especially damaging to buildings

Surface Waves: R and L waves

´ L-waves (Love waves)´Waves that intersect the land surface´Move the ground back and forth like a

writhing snake

´ R-waves (Rayleigh waves)´ Waves that intersect the land surface´ Particles underground follow a circular

path as the wave passes´ Cause the ground to ripple up and down

Where Do Earthquakes Occur and How Often?~80% of all earthquakes occur along the “Ring of Fire”

Earthquakes Are Geological Rock-and-Roll Events

´ Richter scale ´Insignificant: <4.0´Minor: 4.0–4.9´Damaging: 5.0–5.9´Destructive: 6.0–6.9´Major: 7.0–7.9´Great: >8.0

´ Largest recorded: 9.5 in Chile, 1960


Earthquakes on the Ocean Floor Can Cause Tsunamis

´ Tsunami´Series of huge waves generated when ocean floor

suddenly rises or drops´Travels several hundred miles per hour

´Slows down as it approaches coastline´ December 2004–Indian Ocean tsunami

´Magnitude 9.15 earthquake´Over 230,000 people lost their lives

´No warning system in place

Earthquakes on the Ocean Floor Can Cause Tsunamis

Where they Occur

(Setake and Atwater, 2007)

  • Plate Tectonics
  • What Are the Earth’s Major Geological Hazards?
  • Plate Tectonics
  • 3 major types of plate boundaries�
  • The Earth Beneath Your Feet Is Moving
  • Slide Number 6
  • Figure 2.21
  • Convergent Margins �When plates collide
  • Transform Faults
  • Slide Number 10
  • Slide Number 11
  • Driving Mechanism
  • Volcanoes Release Molten Rock from the Earth’s Interior
  • Introduction
  • Slide Number 15
  • Viscosity of Magma and Explosiveness
  • Slide Number 17
  • Hot Spots
  • Slide Number 19
  • What are Earthquakes?
  • Faulting
  • Faulting
  • Body Waves: P and S waves
  • Surface Waves: R and L waves
  • Surface Waves: R and L waves
  • Where Do Earthquakes Occur and How Often?
  • Earthquakes Are Geological Rock-and-Roll Events
  • Tsunamis
  • Earthquakes on the Ocean Floor Can Cause Tsunamis
  • Earthquakes on the Ocean Floor Can Cause Tsunamis
  • Slide Number 31
  • Where they Occur