International Business

Step 1:
Read the assignment instructions before watching the film.  This will help you know what to look for when watching the film.

Step 2:
Watch the entire movie, Departures

Step 3:
Answer the following questions.  Write the question before your response.

Based upon the movie, Departures, describe two ways in which Daigo is subjected to prejudice from those around him.  Also, describe why is Daigo subjected to prejudice?  Provide 2 examples of how the prejudice was featured in the film.

Based upon the movie, Departures, describe the one way in which Daigo is tested in the most dramatic way. Explain your rationale.

Based upon the movie, Departures, Shoei Sadask is Daigos boss and mentor.  In addition to learning the work as a nokanshi, a traditional Japanese ritual mortician, what else did Shoei Sadask teach Daigo?

Describe how food is featured in the film after a funeral ceremony and what occurred after a funeral ceremony?

At the end of the movie, describe the significance of the stone, as portrayed in the movie, Departures.

Describe the prominent emotion a viewer will feel at the climax or end of the movie.  Explain your rationale and the message you feel the director is trying to impart to the viewers.

What are 3 elements of the movie that you can apply to your life?  Explain the elements and your rationale.

Step 4:
Write, Read and Proofread your Paper