
This unit focuses on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), especially within the Law Enforcement Community. Given what you know at this stage about intelligence collection management and the intelligence cycle, especially as it pertains to OSINT, review the assigned videos as it pertains to the NYPD COMPSTAT process.

To successfully complete this assignment, respond to the following questions:

1. How would you characterize and differentiate the collection and exploitation of OSINT intelligence by the NYPD in their COMPSTAT process with those agencies that use an Intelligence Led Policing approach?
2. What do you think of the NYPD adversarial approach to COMPSTAT meetings by the Senior leadership of the NYPD and the Precinct Commanders?
3.Do you believe this is an effective management approach in obtaining their goal of protecting the citizens of New York City?
4.If you were the Police Commissioner of a major metropolitan police department, what system would your institute, and why?

You will receive a grade that reflects the quality of your responses based on a scale of 0-100%. Support opinions and arguments with scholarly, authoritative, or expert level sources. Demonstrate graduate level writing skills (Correct spelling, grammar, concise word choice, and, where appropriate, correct citations and references in APA format).

Use these sources to help aid in generating this:

Developing an Open Source Intelligence “Battle Rhythm”- Meeting the Challenge of Maintaining Situational Understanding in a Complex World
Wulfhorst, Kevin C.Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin; Ft. Huachuca Vol. 41, Iss. 3,  (Jul-Sep 2015): 51-54.

DOI: 10.1017/S1049023X00004866