Individual Rights and Social Order


This course has focused on the concepts of individual rights as protected under the Bill of Rights, as well as the role of the legal system and its unrelenting pursuit of social order and justice for all. Each concept balances the other to ensure that rules, institutions, and public initiatives can be executed in a standardized and judicious manner for the benefit of a civilized society.


Write a 57 pages in which you:

  • Explain the difference between informal and formal social controls on the legal system and the pros and cons of judicial activism.
  • Explain the importance of, and differences between, substantive and procedural law and how each keeps the adversarial system in balance to protect individual rights and social order.
  • Analyze the key differences between criminal law, civil law, and administrative law and the burden of proof for each.
    • Research a criminal case, a civil case, and an administrative case that helps clarify how each plays a role in society and social order today.
  • Support your writing with at least three credible, relevant, and appropriate academic sources.
  • Write in an articulate and well-organized manner that is grammatically correct and free of spelling, typographical, formatting, and/or punctuation errors.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Evaluate how the U.S. legal system works to protect individual rights and social order.