Idenity Theft

    8-page research paper (not including title page or bibliography)
    Times New Roman, 12-point font, no more than double spaced, 1inch margins
    You must use at least 8 resources (books, magazines, journals, newspapers, websites, etc.)
o    Wikipedia does not count as a source, but may provide direction to your research
o    Textbook may count as 1 resource: Criminal Law & Procedure by John M. Scheb & John Scheb II 8th Edition
    APA formatting
    The paper will be submitted through SafeAssign.  This will tell me what percentage of your paper comes from other sources.  I will accept up to 35% without any deduction.  36-50% will get a 5 points deduction.  51-60% will receive a 10-point deduction.  Anything above 60% will receive a 0 for the assignment.  Even if everything is cited properly, I want to hear YOUR words and YOUR thoughts on the subject, not read regurgitated material. 
    Discuss the history and development of the modern criminal law you chose.  Are there federal laws on it or just state laws?  If state, how do different state laws compare/contrast?  How does the law you chose affect the daily life of an average American?  Be sure you are focusing on the law and not just examples or case studies, though brief ones may be used to highlight elements of the law you are discussing.