Human Resource Management

Step 1:
Read the assignment instructions before watching the film.  This will help you know what to look for when watching the film.

Step 2:
Choose one of the films below and watch the entire film.  Choose a film from the following list.  The films listed below are available for rental or purchase through Amazon.  If you need assistance with obtaining a film, you must contact the instructor.

The Devil Wears Prada:

Office Space:

Up in the Air:



Working 9 to 5:

The Siege:

Step 3:
Write a 600 to 800 word paper.  Structure your paper in the following way:


Begin your paper with a description of what you will present in your paper.  Include the title, director and release date of the film.

Body of the Paper:

Plot Summary:  Describe the plot briefly, revealing key points and main twists and turns in the film.
Analysis:  Include the following information in your analysis.  Use paragraphs to provide a structure for your writing.
What message does the film send?
What human resource concepts does the film present?  Provide examples from the film to explain your rationale.
Discuss 3 specific HR topics.  Link the HR concepts to information from your textbook, Human Resource Management, to substantiate your analysis.  NOTE:  In this part of your paper, you must use in-text citations, APA Style, because you will be referring to information from your textbook.___( I will provide info to you on this section)____

What did you learn from the film?

What part of the film has the most powerful impact?  Why?

Your Own Impression:

Provide a personal opinion about the film.  Use paragraphs to provide a structure for your writing.
In what ways will the concepts presented in this film influence and/or shape your life after graduating from College?
What will the viewer receive after watching the film (e.g., positive emotions, learn anything, or just have fun)?
What is your recommendation of the film?  Is it worth watching for which audience it is more suitable.


End your paper with a description of what you presented in your paper.

Step 4:
Write, Read and Proofread your Paper