How is aesthetic surgery a part of Korean societal expectations? How are women represented in K- pop?

The purpose of these assignments is to use evidence to support your argument, so give a contextualized mini-thesis statement, a quote (or two) as evidence, and explain how the evidence fits your argument. Be sure to introduce your quotes (who said it), give direct (with quotation marks) or indirect (paraphrased without quotation marks) quotations with proper Chicago Manual of Style footnotes, and discuss the quotes in your own words. Be sure to be analytical in your argument and application of evidence. You can argue against an authors viewpoint or point out discrepancies across readings.

This is practice for building your paper, paragraph by paragraph. So you just need a paragraph for this.

Below are sources(Do not use other sources)

Ruth Holliday and Joanna Elfving-Hwang, Gender, Globalization, and Aesthetic Surgery in South
Korea, Body and Society 18:2 (2012), 58-81.