
Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook)
For this assignment, select one of the following options.

Option 1: Poetry
Select any 2 poems about the Holocaust. You can select from the following list of poets/poems or conduct additional research on Holocaust poetry. Make sure to get approval from your instructor if you are selecting something not on the list. Click on the link to see the list:

Link: List of Poets/Poems
Write an analysis of each poem, including the following information:

Explain the background on the author, especially in relation to the Holocaust.
Explain the content of the poem – what story or message is it trying to tell?
How does the poem relate to the bigger picture of the Holocaust?
How effective is the poem in relating the Holocaust to readers?
Option 2: Art
Select any 2 of works of art about the Holocaust. You can select from the following list or conduct additional research on Holocaust art. Make sure to get approval from your instructor if you are selecting something not on the list. Click on the link to see the list:

Link: List of Artists/Artworks
Write an analysis of each artwork, including the following information:

Identify the title, artist, date completed, and medium used.
Explain the content of the artwork – what do the images show?
How does the artwork relate to the bigger picture of the Holocaust?
How effective is the artwork in relating the Holocaust to viewers?
Option 3: Video
Watch the following video:

Link (video): The Holocaust (Links to an external site.) (35:00)
Write a paper on what you learned about peoples’ experiences and intentions during the Holocaust:

What were the Nazis thinking of when they made these decisions?
What were the otherwise good people of Germany thinking when they allowed it to go on?
What were the victims of this genocide thinking and feeling as they went through this terrible process?
Describe at least one part of the video that had the greatest impact on you.
How effective are the writings/images in the video in relating the Holocaust to viewers?
Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page
This activity will be graded using the W4 Essay Grading Rubric.

Course Outcomes (CO): 2, 3, 7

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

Faison, H. (Director), & Faison, H., Maguire, J., Cotton, E., & Nathan, L. (Producers). (1985). The Holocaust [Video file]. Guidance Associates. Retrieved from Academic Video Online: Premium database.

Week 4 Essay Grading Rubric
Week 4 Essay Grading Rubric
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength
5.0 pts
Meets length requirement
0.0 pts
Does not meet length requirement
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
10.0 pts
Paper addresses all aspects of the assignment.
8.5 pts
Paper addresses most aspects of the assignment.
7.5 pts
Paper addresses some aspects of the assignment.
6.0 pts
Paper addresses few aspects of the assignment.
0.0 pts
No effort
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis
20.0 pts
Throughout the whole work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.
17.0 pts
Throughout most of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.
15.0 pts
Throughout some of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.
12.0 pts
Throughout little of the work, content expresses original thoughts or interprets the subject matter in a different perspective.
0.0 pts
No effort
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport
20.0 pts
Throughout the whole work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.
17.0 pts
Throughout most of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.
15.0 pts
Throughout some of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.
12.0 pts
Throughout little of the work, claims are supported with detailed and persuasive examples; accurate facts and circumstances are used for support.
0.0 pts
No effort
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting: Mechanics & Usage
10.0 pts
The writing is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that would detract from a clear reading of the paper.
8.5 pts
The writing contains a few errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation, but the errors do not detract from a clear reading of the text.
7.5 pts
The writing contains some errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that need to be addressed for a clearer reading of the paper.
6.0 pts
The writing contains several errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that impede a clear reading of the paper.
0.0 pts
No effort
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity & Flow
10.0 pts
The writing contains strong word choice that clarifies ideas and masterful sentence variety aids with the flow of ideas.
8.5 pts
The writing contains varied word choice and sentence structures that clarify ideas and aid with the flow of ideas.
7.5 pts
The writing contains word choice and sentence structures that can be revised for better clarification of ideas and flow of ideas.
6.0 pts
The writing contains wording and sentence structures that are awkward and/or unclear, impeding the clarity and flow of ideas.
0.0 pts
No effort
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSource Integration
10.0 pts
Paper includes reference to 2 scholarly sources and properly integrates the sources.
7.0 pts
Paper includes reference to 2 scholarly sources but does not properly integrate the sources.
0.0 pts
Paper does not make reference to a scholarly sources.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA: Citation and Reference Formatting
10.0 pts
All sources are properly cited in the text and references page demonstrating a mastery of resource and APA citation reference format.
8.5 pts
Most sources are cited in the text and references page. Some minor errors may exist in citation, but it does not interfere with understanding the source of the information.
7.5 pts
Most sources are integrated, structured, and cited in the text and references page. Some errors may exist in citation that need to be addressed to clarify the source of information.
6.0 pts
Sources are not properly cited in the text/references page. Formatting contains several errors that suggest a lack of understanding of APA format.
0.0 pts
Sources are not cited.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Paper Format
5.0 pts
Paper is formatted to include all 7 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers.
4.25 pts
Paper is formatted to include 6 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers.
3.75 pts
Paper is formatted to include 5 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers.
3.0 pts
Paper is formatted to include 4 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers.
0.0 pts
Paper is formatted to include less than 4 of the following: title page, references page, Times New Roman font, 12-point font, double spacing, running header, and page numbers.