History of Korea civilization

Students are free to write about what they liked or disliked in the text, what they think the main point of the text is, and if they agree or disagree with the approaches of the text. Each paragraph should have one clear point or question, and all the sentences within the paragraph should be supportive of the main point. Primary information on the writer or the text, such as a plot summary, should not be included. Instead, the response papers should be venues for the expression of original and creative ideas and readings. Students also should demonstrate that they have read ALL of the required readings for the week. When citing a passage from a text, indicate the page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence.

Yang Hyunah, Revisiting the Issue of Korean Military Comfort Women: The Question of Truth and Positionality, Positions 5.1 (1997): 51-71;
Yang Hyunah, Finding the Map of Memory: Testimony of the Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Survivors, Positions 16.1 (2008): 79-107.