Historical Account of an Ancient Greek City-State or Colony

1. Write a historical account of an ancient Greek city-state or colony. The paper should include a discussion of the citys site, major features, and urban history. Include maps and diagrams of the citys relative location and its internal layout (morphology) at different times. Include at least 10 bibliographic entries. Do not write about the Pan-Hellenic sanctuaries of Olympia and Delphi. 2. Assignments should be double-spaced, 7-10 pages in length, and written in formal academic style. They must include a title page, appropriate headings, and a bibliography. Supporting materials can either be placed within the body of the assignment or as appendices. Use a proper and consistent format for citations (parenthetical references, footnotes, or endnotes) and bibliographic entries. Assignment writing tips are provided in Appendix A while assignment grading schemes (rubrics) and title page format are provided in Appendix B. 3. The page length is 7-10 pages including supporting material (maps, figures, diagrams) and the bibliography. There is no penalty for slightly exceeding the page limit due to the inclusion of relevant supporting material.