Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning

Three tasks on formative assessment and active learning pedagogies
Attached you find a document that includes four formative assessment strategies, 3 instructional strategies based on active learning pedagogy, and one case representing Teacher Ashraf.

Task 1: Select one of four formative assessment strategies and discuss why you think it will be an effective strategy in terms of giving the teacher feedback on students’ learning. Address issue the issue of peer pressure (some students might be embarrassed due to potential peer pressure) in your discussions.

Task 2: Select one of three active learning strategy and discuss how you will use it in a class. Determine and write a grade level and a subject for which you want to use this strategy.

Task 3: Please discuss this sample teacher, Teacher Ashraf (on page 9) by considering the concept of formative feedback. Will such a teacher be able to get formative feedback? What can he do to receive and use such formative feedback?