Factors Affecting the Microbiome

My last name begin with Q so choose from  

  • M-R


A wide diversity of microbial species colonizes the human body, providing considerable benefits to the host through a range of different functions. A variety of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors – including diet, diseases, and medications – can induce substantial shifts in microbiome composition.

For this discussion, each person will be reading a short excerpt of the paper:

Post Requirements:

This assignment requires two posts, each completed individually. Excerpts are assigned by last name. Click on the link to read the excerpt about the listed topic. If your last name begins with:

  • A-F
  • G-L
  • M-R
  • S-Z

First Post – Due Wednesday

  1. Title your post with the name of the excerpt.
  2. According to your excerpt, what factor(s) affect the microbiome? For each factor, describe if it has a positive or negative impact on the microbiome. What implications does this have for human health?
  3. According to your excerpt, what solution(s) could be implemented to increase societal access to beneficial microorganisms?
  4. Define at least two vocabulary words or phrases from the section you read. These can be any words/phrases that you didn’t know the meaning of. (Examples: protozoa, biobanking, metabolic profile, etc.)
  5. What are two questions you have about what you have read? These may be something you need clarification on, technical questions, or broader questions about microbiomes.