
What to do:

For this paper, you will use Microsoft Word and write using a formal paper format.

Answering/addressing at least 04 out of the 06 questions/prompts below, write paper #2. Respond based on your personal work experience, and on takeaways from The Golden Watch ethical dilemma and the Moral Courage readings.

Discuss your biggest insight from the Moral Courage readings (Chapter 1, 2 and 3).
Research online:  What is the golden rule?  How to you use the golden rule to make ethical decisions. Give an example on how you would apply the golden rule in an ethical dilemma in an organization.
Is good ethics good business? Why?
In your own words, what is corporate social responsibility?
Why is your biggest insight from The Gold Watch Discussion?
If you were to witness an unethical behavior in your workplace, explain how you would react to correct the situation. Link your answer to the concept of Moral Courage


Worth up to 60 PTS.

Each question is worth 20 points (3 questions x 20 = 60 points).  If you choose to answer all 6 questions, the total number of possible points remains at 60.

Each question must be at least 200 words and include details and examples that demonstrate mastery and understanding of topic.

Include the question, followed by an answer.

Check spelling and punctuation.  First two errors are free; after that, minus one point per error.