Deliverable 01 – English Composition

CompetencyIdentify and illustrate steps of the writing process in composing written exercises.


Compose a single body descriptive paragraph in formal written English. Be sure to include the following:

· Topic sentence that provides the main idea for the descriptive paragraph.

· Body sentences that discuss the main idea for the descriptive paragraph using explanation, examples, details, and of course, descriptive elements.

· Transition sentence: Your descriptive paragraph must include the use of at least one or more transitions that move the paragraph along.

· Conclusion sentence: Your descriptive paragraph must end with a concluding sentence that wraps up and refers to the main idea of the topic sentence and signals to the reader that the paragraph is over.

· Your descriptive paragraph needs to contain a minimum total of five complete sentences.

Reminder: Descriptive refers to a style of writing. Choose your sentences for your descriptive paragraph from the following sentences, and use them together to construct your descriptive paragraph. They will not all be appropriate for this paragraph, so choose only the sentences that result in a complete descriptive paragraph as listed above. Use a topic sentence that provides the main idea for a single well-organized paragraph using the steps of the writing process.

Choose the best sentences to construct your descriptive paragraph, and put them together to make ONE well-organized descriptive paragraph. Remember that not all sentences need to be used.

1. It’s a soft, blue-sky break before the gray skies of winter begin to reflect the steely cold waters the lake becomes with the first freeze.

2. Dogs are sometimes fierce protectors that can attack anyone they feel is threatening a family.

3. In the old days, dogs were not considered companions, but seen more as working animals.

4. That’s what we can all call a red-letter day!

5. My dog, Bosco, is a Harlequin Great Dane that outweighs our 10 year old brother, and to the other dogs in our neighborhood he must look like a tall spotted monster because they avoid him at all cost.

6. Do you think dogs are smarter than people?

7. Sometimes our dog seems to know when we are laughing at him because he tucks his head down and appears to shrink into a small ball resembling a lumpy soccer ball.

8. On a beautiful fall day, my family enjoys picnicking at a quiet beach we know that has a blue lagoon surrounded by rustic picnic tables and tall, green pines.

9. I really like dogs.

10. The whole family grabs sweaters and corduroys, Mom packs a cheese sandwich picnic basket with all the junk food we never get to taste otherwise, and we jump into Dad’s old blue jalopy and head out for one last day of fun before all the hub-bub of school gets into swing.

11. My brother is a great Jayvee football quarterback, my older red-headed sister is a cheerleader complete with red pom-poms, and I play cymbals and drums in the school pep band, so we are usually very tied up in school activities soon after school starts.

12. That dog can open the refrigerator and grab a can of soda!

13. I really enjoy the pep band; it’s fun to get all dressed up in my red band uniform and beat those shiny drums during a game.

14. Our big dog needs to stay at home with the cat because he attracts sand and fleas.

15. On one hand, it is hard to get everything ready for the day trip; on the other hand, nobody in our family wants to miss such a day of fun.

16. My brother thinks he is smarter and more well-dressed than the rest of us because he is the oldest.

17. For example, cats can be really pretty, but they don’t seem to love everyone in the family.

18. At the end of a great day of flying kites, chasing each other around the lagoon, and eating great junk food, we all go home extremely tired and extremely happy.

19. A day with my dog.

20. My family comes in all shapes, ages, sizes, and hair colors, but no matter what we look like, we ALL love to eat.

21. As night falls and my father drives the old beat-up car towards home, most of us finish up the cheese sandwiches and chips and doze off after a day of

English Composition Self-directed Assessment 02

Deliverable 02 – English Composition

CompetencyDemonstrate ability to comprehend and summarize in written material.


Write a one page analysis of the  here following the steps of the writing process, as well as showing the thesis of the article, the main points that support that thesis, and your own response and reaction to the author’s point of view and how it is presented. Do this in complete paragraphs using correct formal English that has been revised, proofed, and edited to show good form.

Grading Rubric








Not Submitted

No pass




Thesis Identified

Not Submitted

Student’s paper did not identify the thesis of the reading passage correctly, or no attempt was made.

Student’s attempts to identify the thesis of the reading passage are evident in this exercise

The introductory paragraph remains unclear as to the thesis of the article.

Student confidently cites the thesis of the passage and builds his/her summary around this information


Not Submitted

Student submission includes too few sentences written to show any analysis of the article. Idea development is lacking.

Student’s sentences tie to main idea of the paragraph assignment, but do not include any in-depth detail

Student uses examples to show analysis in his/her summary, and most of the summary shows in-depth analysis

Student’s sentences fully discuss main ideas of the article, offer in-depth original ideas about the article offering an in-depth analysis of the reading.


Not Submitted

Inadequate organization of the one page analysis of the article as assigned, or too little is written to evaluate. Incomplete analysis other than “surface” summary offered

Organization of paper shows attempts to tie in to the major ideas of the article; however, some crucial ideas are omitted or left unexplained.

Organization correctly organizes paragraphs of paper; however, some elements do not support a clear thesis

Student’s organization shows thoughtful consideration of possible implications of the article ideas. Student uses support relevant to review entire article

Sentence Variety

Not Submitted

Student’s writing and sentence choices are not coherent. Use of simple and repetitive or incorrect sentences interferes with competent analysis of the selection.

Student performs mostly cursory repetition of simple sentences. Some varied sentence structures chosen and used correctly. Limited use of transitions used.

Some varied sentence structures chosen and used correctly, some sentence choices do not show transitions to keep the assignment examination moving from A to B to C.

Varied sentence structure and simple/complex sentences handled correctly. Demonstrates competent use of the steps of the writing process. Effective use of transitions noted.


Not Submitted

Paper contains incomplete sentences, word usage errors, sentences with mechanical errors etc. that distract from the meaning of the student’s paper.

Some grammatical and mechanical errors evident in sentence choices for the summary paragraph. Most sentences convey complete thought; however, some are confusing.

Grammatical and mechanical errors are minimum, and do not distract from meaning of the paper.

All sentence choices create analysis containing a good topic sentence, through discussion of the main idea of that topic. A variety of simple and complex sentences with no grammatical and/or mechanical errors.

English Composition Self-directed Assessment 03

Deliverable 03 – English Composition


Implement critical thinking and research strategies for clear communication of written ideas.


Produce a complete 2-4 page paper in which you do a comparison and contrast between driverless cars and/or traditionally driven cars. Be sure to define your reason for writing (thesis), and treat both ideas equally as to pros and cons, costs to promote, validity, efficiency to use, probability of success, and manpower requirements, etc. Your paper should contain an introductory paragraph, thesis statement, body paragraphs each supporting a major idea regarding your point for writing, and a concluding paragraph to wrap-up the paper and signal the completion of your support for your reason for writing.

Although actual research is not a part of this assignment, provide a brief statement at the beginning of the assignment explaining how you would have gone about finding and providing support for your paper.

Grading Rubric








Not Submitted

No Pass




Evidence of Critical Thinking

Not Submitted

No evidence of logical reason for writing provided. Paper lacks clear indication of the subject considered. The following are missing: what points to be considered or how the writer will go about finding information relevant to the topic.

A thesis is not evident or is not appropriate. Both subjects of the comparison and contrast are not equitably described or analyzed.

Some evidence of research methods to be used. Thesis statement is included, but does not clearly illustrate point of the paper. It relates to most of the body paragraphs, but not all. Both subjects of the paper are treated, although not equally.

Some evidence of research attempted. Thesis statement is used and directly relates to most of the body paragraphs, but recedes in importance as paper moves along. Both elements of the paper topic are treated, but not completely.

Student clearly indicates some tactics involved in research on the topic assigned. Introduction clearly illustrates the purpose of the paper and Thesis indicates a “reason for writing” offered and is used to command the development of the rest of the complete comparison/contrast of two elements.


Essay Construction:

Body Paragraphs

Not Submitted

Either no body paragraphs provided, are incomplete, or do not clearly support or relate to the statement of the main idea. Body paragraphs are not fully developed.

Composition of body paragraphs usually appears designed to support thesis as stated; however, some irrelevant (major details) overlooked in the Comparison / Contrast.

Body Paragraphs tie to essay topic, support thesis as stated, but do not always include enough detail and examples to be complete paragraphs, or show comparison/contrast.

Body paragraphs clearly support main idea of the essay and illustrate good use of details and examples to achieve the purpose of the assignment. Student sticks to the thesis support.

Essay Construction:


Not Submitted

No concluding paragraph to wrap up the essay is offered, or the statement provided is not appropriate for a conclusion and does not provide closure.

Weak concluding paragraph exists, but is not successful as conclusion of an essay. Brief or incomplete conclusion, and fails to completely consider the point of the paper.

Concluding paragraph does not quite make clear it is conclusion of the paragraph, or does not wrap up the paper effectively as complete conclusion.

Concluding paragraph is relevant to show review of the Major Point and main ideas of the Body as expressed. Clearly signals correct completion of the essay.

Sentence Structure and Usage

Not Submitted

Incomplete sentences evident throughout the paragraphs, misplaced sentences, and/or sentences that wander off the support for the major points. Sentence errors are included.

Most sentences are complete and coherent; however, some omissions and/or incorrect statements of facts and ideas exist in the paper. Some slang or unprofessional tone may be present.

Some evidence of varied sentence structures used correctly, but some parts of the paragraph body sentences fail to show complex/simple sentence variety and/or support organization of the Body paragraphs.

Varied sentence structure and simple/complex sentences handled correctly. Demonstrates use of the steps of the writing process. Effective use of transitions noted. Sentences in paragraphs belong to show development of the essay.

Grammar and Mechanics

Not Submitted

Many grammatical and mechanical errors in paragraphs and sentences often result in disconnected thoughts and points for a written paper.

Sentences show coherence; however, some do not pertain to the topic sentence of the paragraph, and/or wander off the comparison / contrast of the subjects.

Few minor grammatical and mechanical errors evident in paragraphs that do not seem to drastically distract or change the reader’s perception of the paper’s meaning.

No grammatical or mechanical errors evident in complete variety of simple and complex sentences that illuminate the idea of the assignment and prove the points as stated.

English Composition Self-directed Assessment 04

Deliverable 04 – English Composition


Apply APA documentation techniques correctly in research.


Using the Rasmussen College library (online database) for all resources, find a topic you feel is suitable (real world, everyday life) for a brief 2-3 page research paper, and compose an annotated bibliography (not the entire paper) of 100 word annotations from a minimum of five resources from credible academic databases or eBooks. Be sure to employ APA method of documentation.

Grading Rubric








Not Submitted

No Pass




Use of APA Word File Setup with Cover Sheet

Not Submitted

No Word file submitted in APA formatting with cover sheet.

Word file and cover sheet in APA formatting is attempted with major errors.

Word file and cover sheet in APA formatting is attempted with minor errors of omission.

Word file and cover sheet are submitted for this assignment in complete & correct formatting.

Use of Credible Resources from Databases

Not Submitted

Resources fewer than five and/or some resources are not from Rasmussen College databases and/or are not current resources.

Five resources used but several are not from Rasmussen College databases and/or are not current resources.

Five resources used from Rasmussen College databases; however, not all pertain to the issue as indicated and/or are not current resources.

All resources are included and are from Rasmussen College databases and are current resources.

Titles of Resources in APA

Not submitted

No attempt at an organized APA references list is evident or the submission does not follow APA format accurately.

Attempt at organizing into an APA references list contains all resources; however, list does not completely follow correct APA usage.

Organization of reference list of resources for the annotations is almost complete; however, some errors in APA usage are evident.

An organized effort of references of resources for the annotations is completed in correct APA notations.


Not submitted

Incomplete information is evident throughout the annotations which are not fully developed or do not summarize the source correctly.

Most annotations are complete and follow organized pattern; however they do not all show accurate annotations as instructed and/or point out the information gathered.

Some annotations contain errors of organization that do not interrupt the meaning of the annotation as presented, but are not all clear.

Varied sentence structure and complex sentences handled correctly in giving good summation of the annotations.

Grammar and Mechanics

Not submitted

Many grammatical and mechanical errors show lack of proofreading and editing prior to submission.

Some grammatical errors evident in annotations that sometimes obstruct the meaning of the annotation summary.

Very few errors in sentences appear, and do not seem to change the reader’s perception of the information summary.

No grammatical or mechanical errors evident in complete variety of simple and complex sentences present an accurate annotation summary.

English Composition Self-directed Assessment 05

Deliverable 05 – English Composition


Use collaboration techniques to correct written documents.


Show your ability to analyze, correct, and revise the , giving your input on the revision necessary to improve the quality of this essay. You will show successful completion of this deliverable by:

· Providing feedback for corrections/alterations using the Comments feature in Word (Review tab).

· Respond to the six questions at the end of the student rough draft linked above.

· Use complete sentences in all of your responses.

Grading Rubric








Not Submitted

No Pass





Submission Format

Not Submitted

Student’s Word file is not submitted in APA formatting with cover sheet.

Student’s Word file and cover sheet in APA formatting contains major errors.

Student Word file and cover sheet is submitted in APA formatting attempted with minor errors of omission.

Student’s Word file and cover sheet are submitted for this assignment completely & correctly formatted in APA.

Student’s evaluation of Author’s use of resources

Not Submitted

Student fails to note that fewer than five resources were used and/or that they are not from credible academic resources from RAS online library.

Student notes if five resources used but does not note that some are from dictionary, Wikipedia, commercial sales sites and/or Blogs considered unsuitable, or not current.

Student notes if five resources are used mostly from current & credible academic databases or eBooks, but fails to note that not all pertain to the essay topic.

Student notes if all resources are included and if they are from credible, current academic resources as instructed.

Student offers analysis of the Author’s working thesis for the persuasive essay

Not Submitted

Question about the thesis is considered, but student’s observations are incorrect or unclear as to discussion of the persuasive topic and reason for writing.

Student undertakes critique of writer’s working thesis; however, answer does not note lack of clearly persuasive position for the paper and/or discuss a better option.

Student remarks that working thesis is provided and contains slightly persuasive position; however, omits offering substantive replacement statement for persuasion.

Student notes that working thesis is shown and then offers revision steps to clearly indicate persuasive position and clarify reason for writing.

Student offers consideration of the APA formatting of the essay

Not submitted

No attempt at identifying errors and re-organizing student’s APA reference list is evident or question answered.

Student recognizes errors in in-text citations and reference list, but attempt at re-organizing into an APA Reference list contains all resources, but the list is not correctly redone.

Organization of reference list of resources for the paper is almost complete and in-text citation errors are noted; however, some errors in APA usage are evident.

An organized effort to correct incorrect in-text citations and references list of resources is completed in correct APA formatting

Student offers examination of essay’s major supporting details and minor supporting details

Not submitted

Incomplete consideration of major & minor supporting details for thesis fails to note any re-organization of major or minor supporting details needed for working thesis.

Student recognizes that major supporting details are incomplete and/or some are not connected to the thesis, but fails to offer possible corrections.

Student notes that essay contains a few errors of organization and offers some corrections, but not good ideas of revision of supporting details to better support the thesis.

Student notes errors of support in major details that do not connect to support for the thesis and offers valid corrections.

Student responds to the Questions

Not submitted

Questions were overlooked and are not discussed, or sentences and mechanical errors abound. Some questions are not correctly answered with revision in mind.

Student notes omission of details in most instances, but does not consider all and does not show clearly how to correct this essay. Some grammatical errors evident that are not overly intrusive to meaning of the exercise.

Student’s discussion noting points of support missing, but does not cover all of them, or shows a very few errors in sentences and question answers that do not seem to obscure the meaning.

Student notes omission of well written and some inaccurate details and errors included and offers corrections. No grammatical or mechanical errors evident in good variety of sentences that use transitions effectively to discuss the paper & answer questions asked.

English Composition Self-directed Assessment 06

Deliverable 06: English Composition


Show ability to use standard professional English in formal written documents.


Familiarize yourself with the strategies of research and produce an original five page minimum persuasive research essay using only the Rasmussen College library to find varied academic resources/databases. Choose five current, varied (by type), and credible sources to use in writing to support your topic which should result in a five page essay that persuades the reader that your perspective on a debatable topic is the correct position to take. Your APA paper should demonstrate your ability to engage the reader, provide a strong thesis with pattern for development, incorporate in-text citations as needed, and include a final reference page listing and using research resources as described above. Here is the topic for your persuasive essay assignment:

What do you think will be the most important debatable economic or social problem facing your field of work 20 years from now? Choose the problem, define it, and defend your position using credible research from the Rasmussen College library databases.

Grading Rubric








Not Submitted

No Pass




Evidence of Persuasion, Critical Thinking, and Thesis statement

Not Submitted

No or limited evidence of logical reason for writing provided. Paper lacks clear indication of the subject considered in thesis, missing clear persuasion elements.

Some evidence of persuasion used. Thesis statement does not clearly illustrate point of the paper, relates to most of the body paragraphs, but not all. Logic reasoning has gaps.

Some evidence of research. Thesis statement is used but recedes in importance as paper moves along. Persuasion of paper topic is evident, but not strongly defended.

Student clearly employs research to develop the topic. Introduction clearly gives the purpose of the paper and thesis indicates a “reason for writing” and is used to command the development of the rest of the essay.


Essay: Research and use of Resources

Not Submitted

Either no or limited body paragraphs provided, paragraphs are under-developed, or do not clearly support or relate to the thesis or topic sentences, or research is not from credible Rasmussen databases or is dated.. In-text citations are lacking details or are inaccurate or missing.

Composition of body paragraphs appear designed to support thesis as stated; however, irrelevant (major details) appear to simply use research sources. Use of in-text citations is sometimes overlooked. Research is not all current or show use of varied Rasmussen resources.

Body Paragraphs tie to essay topic, support thesis as stated, but do not always include enough detail and examples to be complete persuasive paragraphs. Although citations are used, some are incorrectly used to show support for topic.

Body paragraphs clearly support main idea of the essay and illustrate good use of research to achieve the purpose of the assignment. Student sticks to the thesis support.

Essay Construction

Not Submitted

No or limited concluding paragraph to wrap up the essay is offered, or essay persuasion is incomplete or under developed, lacks complete or accurate citations and/or reference list is missing citations or includes errors.

Weak essay organization exists: thesis is appropriate for persuasive paper. Conclusion paragraph may exist, but is not successful in supporting thesis for a persuasive essay. Paper fails to persuade, but shows competent construction of a basic essay.

Most persuasive elements work well; however, some body paragraphs may show minor lack of support, & weak conclusion to wrap up the paper is evident.

Paper follows standard essay paragraphs that successfully show review of the thesis, and main ideas of the body support the paper. Conclusion effectively signals completion of the persuasive essay. All persuasive elements work together with the use of research.

Writing: Paragraph and Sentence Structure and Usage

Not Submitted

Incomplete sentences or sentence errors are evident throughout the paragraphs, misplaced sentences, and/or incoherent sentences. Essay wanders off the support or off topic for major points.

Most sentences are complete and coherent; however, some omissions occur and/or incorrect statements of facts and ideas exist in the use of research. Some slang or unprofessional tone may be present. Transitional sentences needed to move essay along.

Some evidence of varied sentence structures used correctly, but some paragraph body sentences fail to show variety and/or support organization of the persuasive essay research.

Varied sentence structure and simple/complex sentences show sophisticated style. Demonstrates effective use of transitions. Sentences work to show development of the essay.

Grammar and Mechanics

Not Submitted

Many grammatical and mechanical errors result in disconnected thoughts and incoherent points for a written paper. Errors in word choice or wording detract from the message.

Sentences show coherence; however, some usage errors are evident, and may fail to show sentence variety and/or transitions in support of thesis.

Few minor grammatical and mechanical errors evident in paragraphs that do not seem to distract or change the reader’s perception of the paper’s meaning.

No grammatical or mechanical errors evident in complete variety of simple and complex sentences that effectively prove the points as stated and use transitions correctly to move through the paper.