
Detailed Instructions:

–Use MLA format (MLA heading, headers, double spaced, 12 point font).

–Write a 2-3 page paper on one of the topics below. Use only one of these  3 topics.

–The 5 paragraph essay may certainly be used, but is not required. Use the format that best fits your approach to the question.

–Correct grammar is very important to your score. An essay may have good ideas, but poor grammar, and that will lower the grade significantly. Edit for these errors especially:  subject/verb agreement, fragments, run/ons, unclear or non-standard  phrasing, lack of coherent, logical flow.

–Do not use any outside (secondary) sources. If I find secondary sources in the essay, it will receive a grade of zero, even if those sources are documented. I stress this instruction because this essay is designed to see the connections you can make and not those of someone else.  It will prepare you to write the research essay that comes later in the course in which you use your own ideas as a base.

–You may use any information in the Course Modules or our textbook. If you quote from either of these, use parenthetical documentation within the essay. You may want to quote from the literary works, themselves, to support/illustrate a point, and that is fine.

Compare the depictions of Hell in the Odyssey and the Aeneid and in today’s world.  (Example questions: Construct a detailed description. What are the similarities and differences? What do these indicate about the cultures that created them? )